時間:2015-06-28 00:00:00 來源:IT貓撲網(wǎng) 作者:網(wǎng)管聯(lián)盟 我要評論(0)
??? 不同的端口有不同的作用希望大家能有所收獲。端口的作用特尋問如下:
1 tcpmux TCP Port Service Multiplexer 傳輸控制協(xié)議端口服務多路開關選擇器
2 compressnet Management Utility compressnet 管理實用程序
3 compressnet Compression Process 壓縮進程
5 rje Remote Job Entry 遠程作業(yè)登錄
7 echo Echo 回顯
9 discard Discard 丟棄
11 systat Active Users 在線用戶
13 daytime Daytime 時間
17 qotd Quote of the Day 每日引用
18 msp Message Send Protocol 消息發(fā)送協(xié)議
19 chargen Character Generator 字符發(fā)生器
20 ftp-data File Transfer [Default Data] 文件傳輸協(xié)議(默認數(shù)據(jù)口)
21 ftp File Transfer [Control] 文件傳輸協(xié)議(控制)
22 ssh SSH Remote Login Protocol SSH遠程登錄協(xié)議
23 telnet Telnet 終端仿真協(xié)議
24 ? any private mail system 預留給個人用郵件系統(tǒng)
25 smtp Simple Mail Transfer 簡單郵件發(fā)送協(xié)議
27 nsw-fe NSW User System FE NSW 用戶系統(tǒng)現(xiàn)場工程師
29 msg-icp MSG ICP MSG ICP
31 msg-auth MSG Authentication MSG驗證
33 dsp Display Support Protocol 顯示支持協(xié)議
35 ? any private printer server 預留給個人打印機服務
37 time Time 時間
38 rap Route Access Protocol 路由訪問協(xié)議
39 rlp Resource Location Protocol 資源定位協(xié)議
41 graphics Graphics 圖形
42 nameserver WINS Host Name Server WINS 主機名服務
43 nicname Who Is "綽號" who is服務
44 mpm-flags MPM FLAGS Protocol MPM(消息處理模塊)標志協(xié)議
45 mpm Message Processing Module [recv] 消息處理模塊
46 mpm-snd MPM [default send] 消息處理模塊(默認發(fā)送口)
47 ni-ftp NI FTP NI FTP
48 auditd Digital Audit Daemon 數(shù)碼音頻后臺服務
49 tacacs Login Host Protocol (TACACS) TACACS登錄主機協(xié)議
50 re-mail-ck Remote Mail Checking Protocol 遠程郵件檢查協(xié)議
51 la-maint IMP Logical Address Maintenance IMP(接口信息處理機)邏輯地址維護
52 xns-time XNS Time Protocol 施樂網(wǎng)絡服務系統(tǒng)時間協(xié)議
53 domain Domain Name Server 域名服務器
54 xns-ch XNS Clearinghouse 施樂網(wǎng)絡服務系統(tǒng)票據(jù)交換
55 isi-gl ISI Graphics Language ISI圖形語言
56 xns-auth XNS Authentication 施樂網(wǎng)絡服務系統(tǒng)驗證
57 ? any private terminal access 預留個人用終端訪問
58 xns-mail XNS Mail 施樂網(wǎng)絡服務系統(tǒng)郵件
59 ? any private file service 預留個人文件服務
60 ? Unassigned 未定義
61 ni-mail NI MAIL NI郵件?
62 acas ACA Services 異步通
63 whois+ whois+ WHOIS+
64 covia Communications Integrator (CI) 通訊接口
65 tacacs-ds TACACS-Database Service TACACS數(shù)據(jù)庫服務
66 sql*net Oracle SQL*NET Oracle SQL*NET
67 bootps Bootstrap Protocol Server 引導程序協(xié)議服務端
68 bootpc Bootstrap Protocol Client 引導程序協(xié)議客戶端
69 tftp Trivial File Transfer 小型文件傳輸協(xié)議
70 gopher Gopher 信息檢索協(xié)議
71 netrjs-1 Remote Job Service 遠程作業(yè)服務
72 netrjs-2 Remote Job Service 遠程作業(yè)服務
73 netrjs-3 Remote Job Service 遠程作業(yè)服務
74 netrjs-4 Remote Job Service 遠程作業(yè)服務
75 ? any private dial out service 預留給個人撥出服務
76 deos Distributed External Object Store 分布式外部對象存儲
77 ? any private RJE service 預留給個人遠程作業(yè)輸入服務
78 vettcp vettcp 修正TCP?
79 finger Finger FINGER(查詢遠程主機在線用戶等信息)
80 http World Wide Web HTTP 全球信息網(wǎng)超文本傳輸協(xié)議
81 hosts2-ns HOSTS2 Name Server HOST2名稱服務
82 xfer XFER Utility 傳輸實用程序
83 mit-ml-dev MIT ML Device 模塊化智能終端ML設備
84 ctf Common Trace Facility 公用追蹤設備
85 mit-ml-dev MIT ML Device 模塊化智能終端ML設備
86 mfcobol Micro Focus Cobol Micro Focus Cobol編程語言
87 ? any private terminal link 預留給個人終端連接
88 kerberos Kerberos Kerberros安全認證系統(tǒng)
89 su-mit-tg SU/MIT Telnet Gateway SU/MIT終端仿真網(wǎng)關
90 dnsix DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map DNSIX 安全屬性標記圖
91 mit-dov MIT Dover Spooler MIT Dover假脫機
92 npp Network Printing Protocol 網(wǎng)絡打印協(xié)議
93 dcp Device Control Protocol 設備控制協(xié)議
94 objcall Tivoli Object Dispatcher Tivoli對象調(diào)度
95 supdup SUPDUP
96 dixie DIXIE Protocol Specification DIXIE協(xié)議規(guī)范
97 swift-rvf Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol 快速遠程虛擬文件協(xié)議
98 tacnews TAC News TAC(東京大學自動計算機?) 新聞協(xié)議
99 metagram Metagram Relay
101/tcp hostname NIC Host Name Server
102/tcp iso-tsap ISO-TSAP Class 0
103/tcp gppitnp Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net
104/tcp acr-nema ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
105/tcp cso CCSO name server protocol
105/tcp csnet-ns Mailbox Name Nameserver
106/tcp 3com-tsmux 3COM-TSMUX
107/tcp rtelnet Remote Telnet Service
108/tcp snagas SNA Gateway Access Server
109/tcp pop2 Post Office Protocol - Version 2
110/tcp pop3 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
111/tcp sunrpc SUN Remote Procedure Call
112/tcp mcidas McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
113/tcp ident
114/tcp audionews Audio News Multicast
115/tcp sftp Simple File Transfer Protocol
116/tcp ansanotify ANSA REX Notify
117/tcp uucp-path UUCP Path Service
118/tcp sqlserv SQL Services
119/tcp nntp Network News Transfer Protocol
120/tcp cfdptkt CFDPTKT
121/tcp erpc Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call
122/tcp smakynet SMAKYNET
123/tcp ntp Network Time Protocol
124/tcp ansatrader ANSA REX Trader
125/tcp locus-map Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
126/tcp unitary Unisys Unitary Login
127/tcp locus-con Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
128/tcp gss-xlicen GSS X License Verification
129/tcp pwdgen Password Generator Protocol
130/tcp cisco-fna cisco FNATIVE
131/tcp cisco-tna cisco TNATIVE
132/tcp cisco-sys cisco SYSMAINT
133/tcp statsrv Statistics Service
134/tcp ingres-net INGRES-NET Service
135/tcp epmap DCE endpoint resolution
136/tcp profile PROFILE Naming System
137/tcp netbios-ns NETBIOS Name Service
138/tcp netbios-dgm NETBIOS Datagram Service
139/tcp netbios-ssn NETBIOS Session Service
140/tcp emfis-data EMFIS Data Service
141/tcp emfis-cntl EMFIS Control Service
142/tcp bl-idm Britton-Lee IDM
143/tcp imap Internet Message Access Protocol
144/tcp uma Universal Management Architecture
145/tcp uaac UAAC Protocol
146/tcp iso-tp0 ISO-IP0
147/tcp iso-ip ISO-IP
148/tcp jargon Jargon
149/tcp aed-512 AED 512 Emulation Service
150/tcp sql-net SQL-NET
151/tcp hems HEMS
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